Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol's election

Last night reconfirmed to me why American Idol should run for President. Seriously, the whole “Idol Gives Back” thing is pretty amazing. They’ve got a lot of people on board and are giving a lot of money to kids in Africa and America. Kids were such a smart move for them. How are you going to contest a charity for kids. The “life anthem” performances were a tad boring but the way they are helping people in US and Africa is incredible. WTF...I owe someone $5 because no one sang any of the "life anthem" songs I predicted. Chris sang "If I Could Change the World” by Eric Clapton. I should have seen that one coming a mile away. Here’s the lowdown…

Mini-Justin: I must have been on a different planet last night because the judges thought Chris did really good but I thought it fell flat (and this is coming from a major Mini-JT fan). His voice just doesn’t seem that strong to me and every week I feel like I’m watching the same performance. BTW Chris, was your usual stylist out sick last night because you looked like a mess. Nice white shirt, tie, jacket with weird tie thing on the side and GAP cargos don’t go together. I feel like a total trader but Chris is losing points with me by the second. To top it all off, he’s now dating LC from The Hills. Don’t get me wrong, I love The Hills but LC doesn’t seem to have the greatest history with guys.

Melinda Mom: Of course, Melinda killed it again. The judges loved her. I’ll admit it – I’m a hater. She has a great voice but I cringe when I watch her. She didn’t play the whole “oh, what, I’m good” thing last night which was good. I will give her that she is looking better. Her whole appearance is a lot softer, but still.

Beat Box Blake: Blake is a total star. He has such a strong voice and sang a John Lennon song last night. Maybe Chris’ stylist was helping Blake last night because Blake looked really good with his new little hair cut. The judges weren’t extremely impressed with his performance but agreed that it was a simple song and were glad that he didn’t try to over do it. It was the usual case of an American Idol contestant trying to sing a really famous song by a really famous performer that just shouldn’t be touched.

Lakisha: Lakisha seemed to have the same problem that Blake was having. She sang “I Believe” by Fantasia. Seemed like a dumb choice to me and the judges agreed. Why would you try and out do an American Idol winner. It’s like when the contestants try to sing Kelly Clarkson – just don’t go there. The judges basically said that Fantasia’s version was better and even though Lakisha gave a powerful performance, they couldn’t stop thinking about how good it is when Fantasia sings it.

Phil Baldy: Alright, I admit it. I’m not a huge fan of Phil and I totally checked out during his performance. He sang a Garth Brook song and I vaguely remember it being okay.

Jordin: Jordin brought down the house last night with the final performance. I’m pretty sure American Idol wants her to win. She has such a strong presence. Simon loved her. Enough said.

As always, if you want to listen to last nights contests singing (for free) go to this site (you’ll need to scroll down below the picture of Heather Mills with a crooked smile). Tonight is going to be HUGE! Don't miss it. 2 hours starting at 8pm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah...thanks for the recap. I also read that the judges wern't that hot on Lakisha. What I saw at the end during the phone number recap, she sounded amazing and huge....oh well.